Text Comprehension in Deaf Teenagers


  • Lúcia Helena Macedo dos Santos
  • Ma. da Graça Bompastor Borges Dias


Text comprehension, Deaf teenagers, Preferential language


We investigated the processes of comprehension of those aspects of text which depend on either literal information
or inferences. Subjects, 12 to 20 years old, schooling levels not beyond the end of Elementary School in public and
special schools, were divided into three groups: deaf teenagers who had LIBRAS as preferential language; deaf users of
Portuguese language in its oral form, and teenagers with normal hearing. The subjects individually read a story and answered
literal and inferential questions and justified their responses. Deaf users of Portuguese language in its oral form had more
difficulty in understanding the story than deaf users of LIBRAS and those with normal hearing. There were no differences in
answers given by subjects who read the text and subjects to whom the story was read. Results indicated that deaf users of
LIBRAS had similar performance and normal hearing teenagers.


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How to Cite

Macedo dos Santos, L. H., & Bompastor Borges Dias, M. da G. (2012). Text Comprehension in Deaf Teenagers. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(3), 241–249. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/17330