Construction and Validation of an Instrument to Evaluate Types of Thinking Through Proverb Interpretation


  • Cleuza Beatriz Baptista da Silva
  • José Fernando Bitencourt Lomônaco


Proverbs test, Cognitive development, Concrete and abstract thinking


An instrumentto evaluate concrete and abstract types of thinking was constructed and validated. The conducted as follows. 1) Selection of 104 proverbs commonly used in Brazil. 2) Evaluation of the familiarity and intelligibility
of the proverbs'words by a group of children. Proverbs not easily understood were excluded. 3) Evaluation of the proverbs'
familiarity by ten adult judges. 4) Content validity of the instrument - three options of answer were defined for each proverb:
concrete, abstract and irrelevant. Five judges evaluated these options as indicative of concrete or abstract thinking, or as not
being related to the meaning of the proverbs. Only those alternatives with a high degree of agreement among the judges were
accepted. 5) Analysis of the discriminam power and reliability - the instrument was administered to 195 children and teenagers
between 8 and 15 years old. The statistical analysis revealed an instrument with high discriminant power and reliability.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. B. B. da, & Lomônaco, J. F. B. (2012). Construction and Validation of an Instrument to Evaluate Types of Thinking Through Proverb Interpretation. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 11(1). Retrieved from