
  • Marina Bandeira Fundação de Ensino Superior de São João Del Rei


Deinstitutionalization, Psychologist's training, Research on mental health services


A questionaire containing 16 itens to evaluate the degree
of knowledge psychologists have about the literature on the
deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients was sent to the clinics of 81
departments of psychology. A low percentage of answers was obtained
(43%). The results suggest a bias favoring desinstitutionalization but
indicate a small degree of knowledge about the literature on this área,
since a small percentage of correct answers was observed to the
questions (58%), which is near chance levei. These data were compared
with a Canadian sample and discussed in terms of the following points: low
value attributed to the training of the students on the community mental health interventions, low value attributed to research in general and mental
health research in particular, lack of data obtained in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Bandeira, M. (2012). DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION:: ARE PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSIONALS PREPARED?. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 8(3), 373–384. Retrieved from