Locus of control, Marital satisfaction, OptimismAbstract
This paper contains two studies testing the relations
between the marital locus of control and marital satisfaction in the present,
in the past and in the expected future. In the first, 90 men and 116 women,
married at least for three years, answered a questionnaire containing a
marital locus of control scale, several measures of marital satisfaction,
and personal data. The results showed that internality is related to higher
marital satisfaction and to a better evaluation of marriage in the future. In
the second study, 62 couples, from newlywed to 32 years of marriage
answered the same instrument. The results showed that the relation
between marital locus of control and marital satisfaction is almost
nonexistent in the first years of marriage, but appears after some years of
marital experience.
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