
  • Zaida Lewin


Phenomenism error, Intelectual realism, Dual coding, Contextual cues, Metacognitive processes


According to Flavell questions involving
appearance-reality (AR) notions tend to provoke some conceptual error
patterns in children, specially the younger ones. A Phenomenism error
pattern occurs when reality is assimilated to appearances and the child
incorrectly reports appearance when asked to report reality. On the other
hand, the notion of schema, used to denote generic structures of world
knowledge that guide information processing, explains the ocurrence of an
Intellectual Realism error pattern, and the child incorrectly reports reality
when asked to report appearance. Recent research suggests that in order
for the child to correctly infer real and apparent behaviors she must have
in mind simultaneously, two apparently incompatible identities and she
must apply both properties to the same object. This hypothesis implies the
development of Dual Coding Abilities (DCA). The present study questions
the traditional approach of Contextual Cues (CC) with its emphasis on
events leading up to an outcome, as means to achieve a better
understanding of intentional disguising or masking of the inner emotional
experience of TV Game Show looser constestants. The specific design
and conceptualization of this study led to the following expectations: Ss in
the Dual Coding Condition (DCC) would manifest superior performance in
AR tasks when compared with subjects in the CCC. Furthermore, a
predominance of intellectual realism type of error was expected in Ss
exposed to the CCC. The sample consisted of 29 second-graders from a
public school. The main results revealed a superior performance in AR
tasks for subjects in the DCA condition. A predominance of Phenomenism
error pattern was detected in the CC condition as compared to DCA
condition. The results are interpreted in terms of Flavell's findings on
distinctions between appearance and reality and possible connections
with metacognitive processes.


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How to Cite

Lewin, Z. (2012). APPEARANCE AND REALITY:: THE RECONCILIATION OF DISCREPANT SIGNS OF EMOTION. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 8(02), 123–144. Retrieved from