
  • Aline Galvão Spinillo


Narrative competence, Children, Written language, Stories


This study investigated the effect of pictorial
representation on children's narratives. Fifty children (4 to 8 years old)
were asked to produce an oral story under two different conditions.
Condition 1: from a pictorial representation (a drawing made by the subject). Condition 2: without this visual recourse. The childrerVs stories
were analysed according to the narrative structure they presented, to the
use of cohesive relationships and to their contextualization. Performance
under both conditions was significantly different. The narratives produced
under Condition 1 showed typical characteristics of spoken language and
they were context-dependent on the pictorial representation. In contrast,
the narratives produced under Condition 2 had characteristics of written
language such as context independence (dependent on lexicalization),
with peculiar conventions of a narrative structure. The results revealed
some important aspects of narrative competence in children. Educational
implications can be considered: one must criticise classroom practices
which emphasize pictorial representations as a recourse to elicit
children's narratives. These activities reinforce more of the use of spoken
language rather than the conventions of written language that school
curriculum demands.


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How to Cite

Galvão Spinillo, A. (2012). THE EFFECT OF PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION ON NARRATIVE PRODUCTION. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 7(03), 311–326. Retrieved from