
  • Eiji Kawamoto
  • Manoel Henrique Alba Soria
  • José Aparecido da Silva


The objective of this paper is to develop a mathematical
equation that expresses, in terms of cardinal indices, the relative utilities of the means of transportation. We discussed about men's necessities and
desires, men's tendencies of avoiding pain and searching welfare, and
also the utilities perceived by them in ways that can aliviate such anxieties.
In the specific case of passenger transportation, in a situation where the
travel is seen as an intermediate activity, we proposed that intrinsical utility
of the means of transportation can be foundamented on the following
principle: all of us, independently of our socieconomic situation, seek to
abbreviating the time and physical effort spent by transposition of the distance
from origin to destination. For this reason we propose that relative
utility of each transportation mode be evaluated as a function of these parameters.
The literature on Psychophysics and Ergonomics was reviewed
searching ways by which the sensation elicited by a set of physical or
socioeconomic stimuli are usually quantified. We concluded that the travel
mode utility index can be obtained through a multiplicative function whose
factors are powers of the following physical stimuli: straight line distance
from origin to destination, time, and energy spent by time unity.


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How to Cite

Kawamoto, E., Alba Soria, M. H., & Silva, J. A. da. (2012). UTILITY MEASUREMENT OF THE MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION:: A PSYCHOPHYSICAL APPROACH. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 5(3), 277–296. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/17075