Record/history of falls and hospitalizations in elderly women treated at Basic Health Units in the Federal District
Aging, Brasília, Brazil, Elderly, Falls, Gerontology, Hospitalizations, Public healthAbstract
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to characterize the sociodemographic and health profile of elderly women who had suffered falls and were hospitalized in Basic Health Units (UBS) in the Federal District. METHODOLOGY: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The study population consisted of elderly women living in the catchment area of two UBS in the Ceilândia Health Region, located in Brasília, Federal District. The sample included women aged 60 or over who lived in the area covered by the UBS and were able to answer the questions. The sample consisted of 66 elderly women. Data was collected by interview between September and November 2019. Information was collected on sociodemographic and health data and on the functionality of these elderly women through the assessment of Basic and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. RESULTS: Of the 66 elderly women interviewed, most were aged between 60 and 69, brown, widowed and had studied for more than five years. They were retired and had an individual income of between one and two minimum wages from retirement. It was found that 68.2% of them had fallen twice and 31.8% only once in the last year. As for hospitalization, most of them did not answer the questions. The study showed that most of the elderly women reported good or very good health, and that most of them sought primary care in general to look after their health. They were partially dependent on instrumental activities of daily living and were active in advanced activities of daily living and independent in basic activities of daily living. They did not drink alcohol and did not smoke. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Obtaining data on falls and hospitalizations in the elderly population is important for detecting risk factors and planning preventive measures in Primary Health Care. In addition, falls have different etiologies, involving intrinsic factors related to aging, extrinsic factors related to environmental risks, such as walking on a slippery surface or in places with inadequate lighting, and situational factors. The study identified that it would be important to emphasize the importance of each elderly person's record in the Elderly Person's Health Booklet, in order to share information with the elderly person and their family members, as well as with the different health professionals, which would facilitate access to this information when necessary.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Raquel Ferreira Goncalves, Keila Cristianne Trindade da Cruz

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