Pastoral agents in denouncing forced sterilizations of poor women in Peru (1996-2000)
Pastoral agent, Defense of life, Forced sterilization, Catholic Church, Women, Preferential Option for the Poor, PeruAbstract
In the mid-1990s, the Peruvian State implemented the National Program for Reproductive Health and Family Planning (PNSRPF 1996-2000), which resulted in the forced sterilization of a considerable number of women, a situation that was not alien to the intervention of the Church through its pastoral agents (priests, religious and lay people). These not only presented information, but also accompanied the victims as part of their pastoral action. In order to analyze this work, the following specific objectives are proposed: (1) to offer a critical look at the role of pastoral agents by highlighting their autonomy in taking up the defense of women victims of forced sterilizations, and (2) to underline the various conflicts and constraints they faced as a result of the position they decided to take. Finally, it will be emphasized that this defense was based on a motivation of faith in dialogue with human life and social problems, allowing them to create spaces of salvation (physical, psychological and spiritual) for the victims.
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