Towards a holistic and cosmopolitan paradigm
Sustainable development in the Anthropocene
Agenda 2030, Anthropocene, Climate change, International cooperation, Sustainable developmentAbstract
This paper highlights the fact that sustainable development can be considered as a new paradigm of the social sciences insofar as it seeks to integrate - in a holistic way - knowledge of multidisciplinary origin, that is, coming from both the social sciences and the natural sciences, given that in order for development processes to be sustainable in the long term it is necessary to take into consideration both the technical and economic factors that affect it as well as social dynamics and government action - public policies - that must be concerned with the preservation of natural ecosystems in order to give sustainability to the process. It also criticizes the dominant economic paradigm - which has hitherto hindered sustainable development throughout the world - on the basis that the new geological era of the Anthropocene requires a new cultural model of democratic governance in order to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change and better adapt to new environmental conditions. A democratic and cosmopolitan thinking (which is concerned about what happens in the whole planet) is indispensable for international cooperation to be better coordinated and effective, facilitating the fulfillment of the obligations of each State in the matter of economic, social and cultural rights, all within the framework of Agenda 2030 and the realization of the commitments of sustainable development (ODS).
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