Call Dossier Number 07 | Volume nº 04 | Number 01

From criticism of prison to its overcoming:
challenges to criminal alternatives in Latin America Call Dossier Number 07 | Volume nº 04 | Number 01

Dr. Maiquel Ângelo Dezordi Wermuth
(Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul -  UNIJUÍ)
Dr. Marcus Alan de Melo Gomes
(Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA)
Dra. Roberta Duboc Pedrinha
(Universidade Federal Fluminense -  UFF)

Assistant editor
Ygor Santos de Santana
(PhD Student - Universidade de Brasília - UnB)

Evaluation period
Until July 15th,  2024

Criticism of the prison followed its emergence and persist in the face of its crisis of legitimacy. In Latin America, Brazil, along the same lines as Colombia, in a recent trial by the Supreme Court of ADPF 347, recognized the unconstitutional state of affairs in which its prison system is immersed, in the face of massive violations, generic and systemic fundamental rights. Thus, it becomes essential to reflect on measures that present themselves as possibilities beyond prison. In this sense, the present Dossier intends to start from the criticism of the prison to discuss the alternative measures to the deprivation of freedom in contemporary times and the challenges encountered in Brazil and throughout Latin America for its effectiveness. In this context, works resulting from theoretical and empirical, qualitative and quantitative, basic or applied research on the following themes will be accepted: criminal execution, unconstitutional state of affairs; violation of human rights in the prison context; interrelationship between prison and gender, prison and race, prison and social class; theories of punishment, criminal guarantee; alternative penalties; victimology, restorative justice; electronic monitoring. All approaches should consider the Latin margin as a privileged locus of analysis.