Parental Alienation. Parenthood. Child custody. Parental authority. Family law.Abstract
This article aims to review the brazilian empiric-based academic literature about the judiciary uses of parental alienation concept. The literature review (articles found at online and national scientific journals, on the areas of law or psychology) brought alerts about the way the judiciary deals with complex parental conflicts. Three cathegories of analyses were created: medicalization, judicialization-punition and a complex problem simplification. Regarding the medicalization function, the reviewed literature brought up tensionings as the parental allienation way of proof and the multidisciplinary team role. Debating about the judicialization-punition function, the reviewed literature alerts about the decreasing of the parental couple’s self-responsability on the conflict management. On the other hand, the complex problem simplification funcation brings the literature restlessness about the historic-cultural factors disregard when the parental alienation lenses are used.
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