A parallel between the violations of the LGPD and the RGPD regarding the legal basis of consent
Consent. GDPR. LGPD. Big platforms. Big techs.Abstract
The article proposes to analyze the facets of surreptitious manipulation used by big platforms and big techs to collect personal data of their users and consumers through the disregard of safeguards and rights related to the legal basis of consent for data processing. Based on documentary studies and a parallel between European and Brazilian legislation, drawing similarities and distinctions between the European General Data Protection Regulation and the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, it was possible to inquire that there are illicit and abusive practices employed by big technology companies, as controllers, to obtain invalid consent in order to process personal data collected from their consumers in the role of data subjects. It was possible to conclude that the vulnerability of users and consumers of digital platforms is alarming in the context of a capitalist economy fostered by the flow of personal data, requiring urgent protection and enforcement by competent institutions in defense of their rights and guarantees.
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