Guard of the Constitution, popular constitutionalism, the people, populismAbstract
This paper aims, by the understanding of the current role of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court among the classic discussion between Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt about the guardian of the Constitution, necessarily renewed by the contemporary doctrinal criticism, to verify whether the intentions of the brazilian authoritarian populism to weak the Supreme Court reflects, or not, the canons of popular constitutionalism. For this, it introduces the classic (and vivid) controversy between Kelsen and Schmitt, in order to point out the main divergences of the authors. Moreover, it explores the main ideas of popular constitutionalism and their influences on the brazilian legal literature, and presents the current political context, surrounded by the rise of a far-right, guided by the objectives of weakening the Supreme Court. It concludes that the propositions of brazilian populism, despite driven by a criticism of judicial supremacy, are totally dissonant from the canons of popular constitutionalism, because it seeks an absolute neutralization of the role played by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, violating the force arrangements and the objectives outlined by the Constitution, and, especially, rejects the tenets and the ideals of the deliberative democracy, indispensable requisition to assecure popular participation.
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