Temporary hiring; Outsourcing; Deviation of purpose; Proportionality; Misconduct.Abstract
This article aims to examine the possibility of accountability for acts of “administrative
improbity”, as defined by the Law nº 8.429/92, in face of the irregular hiring of third parties
by the Public Office, which may be attained through irregularities in the temporary hiring by
excepecional public interest and in outsourcing. In this context, from a theoric-descripitve
analysis, we will try and demonstrate the description of “improbe act” when such hiring don't
comply with certain legal requirements. Such requirements will be codified in light of the
legal and constitucional requirements, based on principles and teleology standpoint. This way
we will try and identify, at once, both the criteria on which to repel desproportionate
punishment in face of mere misdemeanors, as a rule rectifiable, as well as to punish bad
managers for administrative acts riddled with ends desviation, which clearly affronts the
principles and rules that guide the Public Office activity.
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