From fomentation to regulation
The National Mining Agency and the regulation of the Brazilian mining sector
Palabras clave:
Mineração. Regulação. ANM. DNPM.Resumen
Purpose ”“ The advent of the National Mining Agency (ANM) can mean the overture for new paths and horizons for the State actions inside the sector that is responsible for a significant share of the national economy, dramatically transforming the history of the mining industry by assimilating it within the Regulatory State paradigm. Thereafter, we propose here that the ANM’s functions should be read bearing in mind their own historical formation and the peculiarities of the mining sector. By doing so, the main features and potentials of the mining activities regulation will become clear, which will then highlight the qualities of the sector and its functions among the activities regulated by the State.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ The work was conducted throughout the review of the Federal Constitution, laws, statutes, and the specialized literature.
Findings ”“ The research unveiled that the regulation of mining activity in Brazil is a newborn challenge both to the State and to the companies, setting new parameters to the policy-making process that, on the one hand, is related to the good practices related to the sector’s activities and, on the other hand, talks about the goals of the constitutional socio-environmental order.
Practical implications ”“ Uncovering the consequences of the institutional transformation of the mining sector is equal to pointing out the role of the National Mining Agency and the legal requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to ensure that the sector reaches its full potential.
Originality/value ”“ By describing and analyzing the practical and legal meanings of the ANM’s making, the text conceives it as a tool for improving the regulation function, which, as argued, helps to create new and better-shaped instruments for the permanent relationship between the sector and the society and to enshrine the inherent qualities of the mining industry; something that is, until now, yet to be explored by the specialized doctrine.
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