Social Interest in Land Regularization and the Legal and Administrative Process for Consolidating the Right to Housing


  • Arleide Meylan UFERSA


right to housing, land regularization of social interest, principle of the social function of property, regulation, urban policy


Purpose ”“ The paper analyzes the urban real estate regularization and its theoretical and practical implications on national urban policy to consolidate the right to housing in Brazil.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ Theoretical analysis and case study on the statutory instruments designed for the implementation of the right to housing in Brazil.

Results ”“ The article reaches the conclusion that government and social attention is desirable for the regulatory process to implement principles of the city’s social function and the social function of property, using the parameters put forward by of the legal, regulatory and administrative instruments available at the national urban policy.

Practical implications ”“ The article demonstrates that the urban real estate regularization requires the involvement of government and society for realization of the principles of the social function of property and the city, and to promote social inclusion of Brazilian urban spaces.

Originality/value ”“ It seeks to elucidate the institute of land regularization, explaining the importance of the tools provided by Brazilian legal framework and the state’s role in the regulatory process for the application of the institute, especially on the problems of the social segregation space of Brazilian urban spaces.


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Author Biography

Arleide Meylan, UFERSA

Assistant Professor at the Federal Rural University of Semi-Árido.


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How to Cite

MEYLAN, Arleide. Social Interest in Land Regularization and the Legal and Administrative Process for Consolidating the Right to Housing. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 345–366, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jun. 2024.