Public Policy in Cycle and its Implementation: The Case of Article 153 of The New Code of Civil Procedure at the 1st Civil Court of Caico-RN
legal proceedings management, objective order, public policy, civil processAbstract
Purpose ”“ This study describes the implementation phase of a specific public policy, formulated by the Legislative Power, enforced by the Judiciary Power. Such policy was embodied in legal provisions related to the sequence in which proceedings should be processed in all Brazilian judicial units.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ Normative and principle-related analysis, as well as commentary the innovation brought by article 153 of the new Code of Civil Procedure according to the perspective of public policy in cycles. It was given attention to the implementation of the aforementioned public policy by the 1st Civil Court of the Caico-RN Judicial District, focusing on the strategies and results achieved.
Findings ”“ The implementation of the compliance rule by judicial units constitutes a relevant public policy to be developed to seek effectiveness in jurisdictional services, as long as the former is executed observing the constitutional principles, notably, impersonality, isonomy and republican principles.
Practical implications ”“ It is important that the Judiciary’s adhere to the policy formulated by The Legislative Power. However, each branch has to safeguard its owns management and independency, as well as the perception of the cooperation’s relevance from everyone who participated in its implementation.
Originality/value ”“ Elucidate the applicability of the innovation brought by the rule of compliance implemented by the judiciary.
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