Table of Contents
J.L.R. Masthead, Editorial Board, Double-Blind Peer-Reviewers, Letter from the Editor-in-Chief, Table of Contents
law, regulationAbstract
Dear Reader,
We are pleased to introduce the first issue of second volume of the University of Brasilia Journal of Law and Regulation (JLR).
During this year, the journal will publish a number of original articles on such topics as sectoral regulation, antitrust, consumer law, regulation of prices and theories of regulation.
With each issue, we plan to introduce new topics to add perspective on the regulatory phenomenon.
In this issue, we are delighted to include articles on legal analysis applied to the regulation of telecommunications services, European privatizations in light of the public choice theory, water regulation, e-commerce self-regulation, regulatory responsiveness in broadcasting, antitrust in the port sector, port leasing, land transportation, Internet regulation, drug price control, entrepreneurial state, energy arbitration tools, consolidation of the regulatory framework, zero rating and net neutrality.
For future issues, we will continue to publish articles on all regulated sectors from law and interdisciplinary perspectives, not least related to advances at the intersection of law and regulatory practice.
We hope you have enjoyed reading our first two issues of 2015 and this first issue of 2016, and we look forward to a second issue to be released on October 2016.
Prof. Marcio Iorio Aranha
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Law and Regulation, University of Brasilia Law School
On behalf of the Editorial Board
Intervencionismo Económico vs Privatizaciones en la Europa del Siglo XX: Lógica de los Public Choice en el contexto de la Unión Europea
Entre el mercado y el Derecho Humano: la regulación de las aguas desde la autogestión y desde el proceso administrativo en Chile
The Self-Regulation of Electronic Commerce: An Appraisal in Accordance to the Chilean Law of Unfair Competition
Responsividade do Sistema Sancionatório da Radiodifusão Brasileira
Os desafios do Antitruste no Setor Portuário Brasileiro: as inovações da Lei nº 12.815/13 e seus reflexos concorrenciais
Aspectos Jurídicos do Fenômeno do Reequilíbrio e da Prorrogação antecipada de Contratos de Arrendamento Portuário face ao Novo Marco Regulatório
Regulação de Concessão de Rodovias e o Papel do Estado
Internet e Regulação: a ICANN Ã luz da teoria da regulação
Medicamentos: o preço da saúde
Pressupostos Conceituais do Estado Empreendedor na Constituição Federal de 1988
Subpolítica reflexiva no contexto da mundialização informativa aplicada à regulação supranacional da Internet
A prática do Zero Rating e o Princípio da Neutralidade de Rede previsto na Lei nº 12.965/14: reflexões sobre o fenômeno da inclusão digital e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias
O Uso da Mediação Administrativa na Solução de Conflitos pela Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica
Sistematização de Normas Regulatórias: uma abordagem baseada no neo-institucionalismo
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