Is timeless eternity the only option for the theist?
Theism; Time; Eternity; Free Will.Abstract
Theistic religions assume that God has certain attributes such as omniscience, perfect omnipotence, goodness and eternity. Philosophers of religion subject such religious concepts to critical analysis and generally have different perspectives on what each one means. There are two main perspectives on the attribute of eternity: eternity involves time, or it does not involve time. During most of the philosophical tradition of theism, timeless eternity was considered the best interpretation for a few reasons, among them: God's absolute immutability guarantees His perfection and incorruptibility; timelessness answers better to questions about what God did before creating the world and how to reconcile omniscience and free will. However, temporal eternity has been increasingly popular - especially among analytical philosophers. Temporal eternity has been pointed out as capable of answering the same mentioned questions and of carrying an understanding of divine immutability in a bland sense that can be a better way to reconcile eternity with the free and creative nature of God.
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