
  • DOMINGOS FARIA Universidade de Lisboa




Nature of Faith, Belief, Rationality


My aim in this paper is to survey the nature of religious faith and offer a reasonable characterization of what is faith in theistic God. In order to accomplish this goal, in the first section of this paper, I present an introduction to this problem; in the second section, I uphold the tradition view of faith, according to which faith is composed by a doxastic component (i.e. believing-that there is a God) and by a non doxastic component (i.e. believing-in God). In the last section, I present and try to deal with some major objection to this traditional notion of faith. 


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How to Cite

FARIA, D. (2018). O QUE É A FÉ EM DEUS? UMA DEFESA DA PERSPECTIVA TRADICIONAL. Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 3(2), 150–159. https://doi.org/10.26512/2358-82842016e17368



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