Processes, methods and tools of Competitive Intelligence: characristics, applicability and limitations

características, aplicabilidade e limitações


  • Raimundo Nonato Macedo dos Santos


Systems of management of Strategic Information, Decision-making process, Information technologies, Information filtration, Information condensing, Competitive intelligence


In course of time, the information systems were based on hipotheses which, as they seem apparently true, have contibuted to rather disfavor than to favor the logic of the informatic systems. The decision-maker needs important information but, after all, he needs filtering mechanisms, because he is in face of an infinite mass of unimportant information, some of it requested by himself. The techniques, methods and tools developed for the process of Competitive Intelligence are conceived according to the paradigm of strategic information systems aimed at the receiver.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. N. M. dos. (2000). Processes, methods and tools of Competitive Intelligence: characristics, applicability and limitations: características, aplicabilidade e limitações . Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 24(4), 493–508. Retrieved from