Patients’ Rights in Brazil: analysis of legislative proposals and the role of the Brazilian System of Health


  • Aline Albuquerque UnB



Brazil is in disagreement with the other countries when it comes to the adoption of a national law on patients’ rights. This article aims to develop theoretical contributions that underlie the premise
that Brazil must adopt a national law on patients’ rights, as well as to problematize the role of the SUS in the promotion and defense of such rights. It is a research of theoretical-normative nature. I have
concluded that the endorsement of the need to have a patients ‘rights law in Brazil correlates with the assumption by the national SUS management body of its responsibility to protect patients’ rights
through effective measures. This proposed change corresponds to a tortuous and long-term path, but the starting point is the approval of Bill 5559/16


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, A. (2020). Patients’ Rights in Brazil: analysis of legislative proposals and the role of the Brazilian System of Health. Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 15, 1–24.



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