Agroecology and SDG’s

Is there a converging path between the practice and the Agenda 2030?


  • Cesar Renato Ferreira Costa Unemat
  • Sandro Benedito Sguarezi Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso - UNEMAT



sustainability, transition, agroecosystems


The human species, prehistoric and extractive, nature's competitor and ecocentric at its begining, perverts its logic in modern time with the capitalist mode of production, becoming anthropocentric and tending biosphere stress and to the destruction of the planet. Institutions such as the UN, to reverse the apocalyptic scenario, propose the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), in the 2030 Agenda. The Science of Agroecology, recognized as support for an alternative proposal to the capitalist mode of production, operating despite the diversities. This article, with a systematic literature review, discussions about Agroecology and reflects the possibility of agroecosystemic transition, from the chaos leading to a sustainable, social and environmental way of economic production. Agroecology seems to be effective science basis in the agroecosystem transition, but gaps need to be filled until the balance between the human species and nature, which sustains planetary life, is regained.


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