Agroecological transition, family agriculture and female work: a case study in Ituporanga-SC
agroecological transition, family production unit, organic production, genderAbstract
The proposal of agroecology as a science materializes in the integration of all living beings and the restoration of the ecological relationships that connect them. In this sense, the valorization of the feminine perspective in the processes of change occurring on agricultural properties is fundamental. Thus, the objective was to analyze the occurrence of the agroecological transition in a property in the municipality of Ituporanga/SC, focusing on the role played by women throughout the process. In a methodological way, a single case study was carried out, using interview techniques without elaborated questions and in an open way, with the objective of reporting, from the listening of the family matriarch, the stages of consolidation of the production mode agroecological in the family unit. And conclusively, the experience demonstrated the change in the way of production of the property and the importance of female work in the realization of the process.
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