Analysis and indications of adequacies of the financing of organic agriculture by the Banco do Brasil in the State of the Paraná-Br, from the perspective of the bank’s rural managers


  • Geraldo Augusto Staub Banco do Brasil
  • Renato de Mello Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina


organic agriculture, Rural funding, Banco do Brasil, Organic production certification


This paper analyzes and suggests adjustments to improve the performance of the Banco do Brasil as a promoter of the development of organic agriculture in Paraná-Br. Is studied the possible suitability of rural finance system to the characteristics and peculiarities of organic crop production, determining the barriers that are present in such a system that hinder greater participation by the Bank in this development. The analysis of questionnaires and interviews with bank’s rural funding manager sindicates that there is no need for substantial changes to the funding system in question, but adjustments to improve the promotion of funding among the associations and/or cooperatives of organic farmers, training managers, support the transition from traditional to organic production and improve farmers' access to certification


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