
In 2025, the 30th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP 30, will take place in Belém, in the Brazilian Amazon. Holding it in Latin America challenges us to hold a broad debate on what this mega global event represents for Brazil and the Amazon. Both in Brazil and in the Pan-Amazon region, COP 30 calls on us to address the urgent climate situation and highlight the need to consolidate joint strategies to address the global environmental challenges of conserving the environment and guaranteeing rights, sovereignty, and food and nutritional security. However, in a context of contradictions and disputes, where the global agribusiness chain is responsible for more than 70% of national emissions, Agroecology shows paths for socio-ecological transitions. Considering that the agroecological perspective encompasses different levels and dimensions, this call for a special issue of RBA aims to welcome articles on different topics that effectively contribute to the debate on Agroecology as a strategy to confront the climate crisis.

This dossier aims to welcome articles that address the multiple facets in which Agroecology can contribute to advances in the different issues associated with the causes, impacts and solutions related to the themes addressed at the Conference, and their variations in the different Brazilian regions and biomes, ensuring a view and manifestation for the Amazon, including its Pan-Amazonian dimension. Submissions that develop systemic, contextualized and complex approaches to agroecosystems and their multilevel interactions are encouraged. Theoretical essays must present a critical view and develop innovative perspectives that contribute to the advancement of reflection on the connection between Agroecology and tackling climate emergencies. Literature reviews will only be accepted if they present an innovative approach, based on very recent scientific articles and that contribute new perspectives to the theme.

More information can be obtained in the RBA Call for the COP 30 Special Issue.


Launch of this call: August 15, 2024;

Manuscripts received: Until December 9, 2024;
Article evaluation: Until April 31, 2025;
Online launch of the Special Edition: From July 30, 2025.

Editorial committee of the special issue:

Danielle Wagner (UFOPA); Flaviane de Carvalho Canavese (UnB); Luciane Cristina Costa Soares (UFRA-Tomé-Açu PA); Letícia Tura (FASE); Marcela Vecchione Gonçalves (UFPA); Tatiana Deane de Abreu Sá (Embrapa Amazônia Oriental)