Balcony discourse in times of lockdown COVID


  • María Victoria Galloso Camacho Universidad de Huelva



Discourse. Balconies. Communicative Supports. Visual Language. COVID.


There is an old dogma in communication: all reports. It happens with every word, every gesture and every idea, but also exists in the body and vital manifestations of human beings. The clothes we wear a lot of our style, our tastes and our economy. The texts we hang on our balconies also reported, especially in these times of crisis in which they have grown from a domestic space more, straddling the privacy of home and the public space of the street, sometimes for space claim. This paper analyzes, from a corpus of photos balconies Spain, the importance of the balcony as an architectural element and its social value.


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How to Cite

Galloso Camacho, M. V. (2021). Balcony discourse in times of lockdown COVID. Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 21(1), 168–189.



Research articles