El informe de arbitraje como género discursivo en la dinámica de la investigación
genres. peer-review report. interactional analysis. evaluation.Abstract
In this paper we present a first approximation to the study of the peerreview genre (PRG) as a fundamental academic action in the dynamics of research. It is claimed that the categorization of this confidential genre must take into account its relation with other genres in the research context. An interactional analytical framework whose central category is evaluation and which covers the micro and micro dimensions is proposed (Bolívar, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008). The application of this analysis to a sample of 25 reports reveals a complex network of interaction between editors, reviewers and authors. The PRG is characterized as a genre in the private sphere whose structure and style are shaped in great part by the instructions provided by the editors, and cultural assumptions on interpersonal relations. The implications for genre studies, research processes and academic writing are discussed.
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