Por un análisis feminista del discurso desde la diferencia sexual
feminist critical discourse analysis. post-structuralist discourse analysis. gender. radical feminism of difference. sexual difference.Abstract
The aim of this article is to identify the limitations of feminist discourse analysis. We have thus divided this article into two parts. In the first part we present the perspective of radical feminism of difference and its notion of origin, sexual difference. In the second part, we analyze the problematizations that emerge from feminist discourse analysis, primarily drawing on the assertions of two authors in this field: Lazar (2005) and Baxter (2008). One of the most relevant conclusions is that the notion of origin of Anglo-Saxon feminist analysis ”“gender”“ does not go far enough in terms of analysis and explanation. Furthermore, the epistemological premises of this analysis are not anchored in feminist theory per se. Finally, we present the foundational themes that shape the new feminist discourse analysis.
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