Critical Discourse Analysis

Evaluative Stance and Hate Speech within Parliamentary Discussions on the Law of Gender Identity


  • Gerardo Godoy-Echiburú
  • Carolina Badillo-Vargas
  • Giselle Melo-Letelier


CDS. Appraisal. Hate speech. Transgender. Parliamentary discourse.


The launch of the new gender law (21,120) by the end of 2018, it has been issued after almost five years of tense parliamentary discussion. This law grants the civil right to citizens to change their sex and name on identity documents, which has begun complex discussions among conservative groups that talk of gender ideology. This study aims to identify and describe parliamentary evaluative stances within discussion during the legislative project processing. The analysis is drawn on critical discourse studies (CDS henceforth) and the appraisal system, where the object is to explore the hate speech configuration within discussions about the gender identity law at the Parliament in Chile. The findings show that discursive verbal violence appears highly evoked; a discourse of hatred toward transgender people is recognized but expressed through apparent intentionality of ‘good’, generally characteristic of right-wing parliamentary.


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Author Biographies

Gerardo Godoy-Echiburú

Investigador en el Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva CIE160009 en la Línea de Prácticas de Aula y de Escuela para la Inclusión (PUCV), Chile; Magíster en Lingüística por la Universidad Católica de Chile y estudiante de doctorado de la misma universidad.

Carolina Badillo-Vargas

Estudiante de PhD en Lingüística Educacional de la Universidad de Wollongong, Australia. Profesora de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales; Licenciada en Historia con mención en Ciencias Políticas (PUCV).

Giselle Melo-Letelier

Profesora de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) e investigadora en el Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva CIE160009 en la Línea de Prácticas de Aula y de Escuela para la Inclusión (PUCV), Chile; Magíster en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (PUCV).


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How to Cite

Godoy-Echiburú, G. ., Badillo-Vargas, C. ., & Melo-Letelier, G. . (2020). Critical Discourse Analysis: Evaluative Stance and Hate Speech within Parliamentary Discussions on the Law of Gender Identity. Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 19(2), 71–92. Retrieved from