"What we intend to emphasize here is": Interpersonal Metadiscourse as an interpretative orientation in Anthropology articles


  • Luisana Bisbe Bonilla Universidad Central de Venezuela




Academic writing. Interpretative guidance. Interpersonal metadiscourse. Authorial identity.


This article aims to describe the linguistic expressions of interpretative restriction and consideration of alternatives used by academic writers to guide their readers through the approach advocated in the text and even to indicate the readers how to reason. Methodologically, we proposed and applied a procedural model that combines the findings of Perales, Sima and Valdez (2012) with the postulates of Hyland (2002, 2005), Gallardo (2017) and the Appraisal Theory of Martin and White (2005) and White (2003, 2011), to analyze nine conclusions from research articles in Social Anthropology. The results show, in general, a more frequent use of boosters and metadiscursive directives to exercise interpretative control, while hedges allow opening spaces for alternative interpretations. Furthermore, we observed that these data vary according to the writers' preferences on how to exercise interpretative guidance and show their authorial identity.


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Author Biography

Luisana Bisbe Bonilla, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Antropóloga y Magíster en Estudios del Discurso egresada de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Trabaja como docente-investigadora (categoría Profesor Asistente) en el Instituto de Filología “Andrés Bello” de la mencionada universidad. Sus áreas de interés incluyen la argumentación, el análisis crítico del discurso sobre el racismo antiindígena y actualmente investiga sobre el discurso académico de la Antropología, tema sobre el cual ha presentado varias ponencias y publicado artículos. Es miembro del Comité Editorial del Boletín de Lingüística y coordina el proyecto del Corpus Académico IFAB-2016.


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How to Cite

Bisbe Bonilla, L. (2021). "What we intend to emphasize here is": Interpersonal Metadiscourse as an interpretative orientation in Anthropology articles . Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 21(2), 4–26. https://doi.org/10.35956/v.21.n2.2021.p.4-26



Research articles