Donas da Cidade
Navegando arquivo de factos e fantasia na memória das Donas de Quelimane
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Zambézia, Mulheres, Poder, Arquivo, MemóriasResumen
Zambezia, in Mozambique is filled with personal histories centred around women, which are not likewise reflected in officially sanctioned history books. Donas, female landowners that thrived in the region between the 17th and 19th century, are among the few women whom hegemonic history texts recognize as powerful. The
present article discusses ways women currently living in Zambezia recollect the Donas, and how their memories contrast with existing archival material. The collection of
memories critically engages the established scholarships on the Donas, by bringing forth logics of remembrance that challenge, contradict, but also add to the established
and accepted historical facts.
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