Perspectivas da sociedade da informação

Perspectives of the information society: cultural approach and everyday scenarios


  • Lillian Maria Araujo de Rezende Alvares



Information society. Knowledge society. Network society. Knowledge-based economy. Cyberculture.


Presents information at the center of contemporary society, under six perspectives proposed by Frank Webster in 1995: economic, spatial, occupational, technological, cultural and knowledge. The text begins with the evolution of some locutions that emerged to describe the nature of the information age and reveals that the term information society included and encapsulated all previous partial locutions. The main objective of the research was to contextualize the cultural perspective of the information society concurrently with other approaches. The methodology adopted was bibliographic research, to explore and expand the literature review carried out by Webster with the purpose of creating the scenarios of the information society enhanced in various angles. The research concludes that the understanding of the information society in each perspective highlights aspects of everyday life that are undoubtedly dependent on information and knowledge, which have permanently changed the way of living.


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How to Cite

Araujo de Rezende Alvares, L. M. (2021). Perspectivas da sociedade da informação: Perspectives of the information society: cultural approach and everyday scenarios. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 10(Especial), 20–38.



Dossiê Museologia e Cultura Digital