Poéticas Fílmicas dos Museus

uma aproximação interativa com a cidade


  • Eduardo Rocha UFPel
  • Talita Corrêa Vieira
  • Lorena Maia Resende




museus da UFPel, produções participativas audiovisuais, território, hospitalidade, urbanismo contemporâneo


The article problematizes the role of the museum in the city of contemporaneity. It is not yet clear how museums welcome the significant objects of an increasingly heterogeneous city. The cartography-inspired study investigates clues to how the place of the museum relates to its territory and to visitors. The case study included three museums in the city of Pelotas/RS/Brazil, and through exhibitions and educational activities with schools, it is discovered that museums can create existential territories in the city, generating hospitality relations and hosting a little memory two places.


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2020-11-03 — Updated on 2020-11-21


How to Cite

Rocha, E., Corrêa Vieira, T., & Maia Resende, L. (2020). Poéticas Fílmicas dos Museus: uma aproximação interativa com a cidade. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 9(18), 480–493. https://doi.org/10.26512/museologia.v9i18.28199 (Original work published November 3, 2020)