Notes on curatorship of contemporary art


  • Silvia Miranda Meira
  • Edson Leite



curating of contemporary art, modes operation of curatorship in the context of contemporary art features


The discourses of contemporary artistic practices, seemingly neutral, in unconstrained territories, constitute a set of agents and actors directly engaged with the sense of art, which bring meaning to the scene. Contemporary metamorphoses have brought an abundance of artistic forms and a broad approach to themes where their modes of discourse have transformed the locus of art, sharing the sensitive, social engagement, and world perception. The subsidies to the understanding of the concepts that base the contemporary art are often prescribed by the curatorial project of the exhibition, which allows to approach the look for its understanding. From the conceptual demand (curatorial project) to misen scène (solution or practice), contemporary interventions, through settings and settings that give it the visuality through the critique and mediation that provide
information, are inserted in cultural proposals.


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How to Cite

Meira, S. M., & Leite, E. (2018). Notes on curatorship of contemporary art. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 7(14), 188–195.