Interfaces between Underwater Archeology and Museology:

documentation, preventive conservation and in situ preservation at the. (Monte Serrat, Salvador, Bahia)


  • Ademir Ribeiro Jr.



Candomblé; Culture Material; Documentation; Preventive Conservation; Underwater Archeology.


Although they are guided by the same principles of terrestrial archeology, underwater
archaeological research demands specific procedures, such as the documentation techniques of the material culture, conservation of the artifacts rescued and preservation of the submerged site. These peculiarities challenge both professionals in Archeology and Museology. In this article, the field and laboratory methodology adopted for the Loca daMãe d'Água - a sacred place for the old candomblé terreiros of Salvador - will be presented as a case study, where offerings are made for water entities and discarded objectsrituals that have already fulfilled their function within these communities.



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How to Cite

Ribeiro Jr., A. (2018). Interfaces between Underwater Archeology and Museology:: documentation, preventive conservation and in situ preservation at the. (Monte Serrat, Salvador, Bahia). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 7(14), 50–69.



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