Coleta, transporte e aclimatação de plantas no Império Luso-Brasileiro (1777-1822)
coleções de plantas vivas, botânica, viagens filosóficas, jardins botânicos, hortas e quintaisAbstract
In the Luso-Brazilian Enlightenment, the circulation of plants in the Portuguese Empire was quite emphasised and created by a series of actions that would enabled the collection, transportation and acclimatization of exotic plants in the Brazilian captaincies. In this paper, we analyze the set of botanical practices, such as observation, experience and experimentation, carried out in several places, such as forests, vegetable gardens, backyards, botanical gardens and the ships for vegetable transportation. For the implementation of this project, was mobilized a group of professionals
involved in the Philosophical Travels, in scientific academies, in Botanical Gardens, with the colabotion of local population, specially on the indigenous knowledge of plants.