Ex-votos pictóricos
tradição e permanência de Portugal ao Brasil
ex-votos, religiosity, art, lusophony, social memoryAbstract
This work aims to present ex-voto, through the release of the vow in catholic sanctuaries, more specifically, in the miracle rooms, with tradition that comes from Portugal. Here, a clipping of the production of the project ex-votos in Brazil: phase museums, which has been presented in museums and miracle rooms of 17 Brazilian states and also in some regions of Portugal, places dedicated to cultural heritage that have, among their richness, the testimonial nature of faith, and that presents histories of life, portrayed in pictoric and photographic supports, notes, sculptures, organic objects and industrialized objects, presenting individual and collective situations that exalt social memory which, in Brazil have come from Portugal and nowadays remains a continual and rich tradition.
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Projeto Ex-votos do Brasil. http://projetoex-votosdobrasil.net/. Acesso em 11 de maio de 2014
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