Educational and discursive praxis in the 21 Movement: transgressions of boundaries and emancipatory hybridism
21 movement, agribusiness, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, discursive practices, hybridism, boundaries, decolonial identitiesAbstract
In one of the states of Brazil, Ceará, in the highland area named Chapada do Apodi, a politicalacademic articulation, movimento 21 (M21), in English, the 21 Movement, has got together to fight against the economical pattern of agribusiness and its consequences related to the expulsion of the peasants and to the environmental degradation caused by the massive use of agro toxic products. The M21 movement is formed by several social movements and academic groups which have been articulated to struggle in favor of rural communities, this struggle is constructed based on discursive practices which aim to break up the traditional boundaries between academic and popular knowledge. The objective of this article is to understand, from a perspective of a decolonial theory and based on a rhetoric analysis taken as an approach of critical analysis, how the construction of Identification Meaning (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003) takes place in the discursive practices of the integrants of M21 movement. Through an ethnographic method built in public spaces in which the integrants of social movements, such as peasant men and women, educator, researches, religious leaders, political leaders and residents of Chapada do Apodi community, talk about violent deeds in the rural area against people and environment. In this article, it is discussed the identification-hybrid meanings aimed to the integrants of M21, taking the “boundary speech” and the “hybrid speech”, which come across in those public meetings. It is also taken into consideration the multiplicity of interactional agents, the diversity of the educational praxis of each group involved with M21 and it is taken into account as well the decolonial literature, the analysis considers that the political implications of M21 points out an emancipatory and hybrid discourse.
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