Translanguaging, Linguistic repertoire, Portunhol, LiteratureAbstract
This work aims to reflect on the linguistic repertoire (RYMES, 2014) present in the literature written in portunhol and to think about the translanguaging practice (CANAGARAJAH, 2013) that permeates it. In addition, this research seeks to reflect on issues of identity (SILVA, 2014) as they relate to the local identity performances (MOITA LOPES, 2013) present in this literature. For that, we selected as an object of study the poem "Trinticuatro", which is part of the book "Noite nu Norte" (2011), by the Uruguayan writer born in Artigas, Fabián Severo. The reflections on the poem demonstrated the relevance of the recognition of the portunhol as a legitimate practice, of identity and artistic importance. Furthermore, they corroborated the need to think of languages ”‹”‹no longer from a monolingual perspective, but as local practices through which subjects act creatively in the world according to their purposes.
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