On the centenary of “General theory of law and marxism” by the jurist Evgeni Pashukanis, from Colombia





Pashukanis, General Theory of Law and Marxism, Law and Marxism, Critical Theory of Law, Colombia


This article celebrates the centenary of Evgeny Pashukanis’ The General Theory of Law and Marxism, highlighting its importance in the context of Marxist approaches to law in Latin America. Originally published in 1924, the book was translated and disseminated in Colombia in 1976 and republished in several Spanish-speaking countries, reflecting renewed academic interest. Pashukanis carries out a critical analysis of Law, highlighting its bourgeois nature and its connection to the social relations of production. His ideas in the book are discussed here, as well as the posthumous rehabilitation of Pashukanis and the relevance of his work for legal study and practice today, from the Colombian context.

Author Biography

Freddy Ordóñez Gómez, Universidade Nacional da Colômbia, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colômbia

Advogado, Mestre em Direito e docente ocasional da Universidade Nacional da Colômbia. Estudante de Doutorado em Direito na Universidade Livre da Colômbia. Pesquisador e diretor do Instituto Latino-Americano para uma Sociedade e um Direito Alternativos (ILSA). 


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How to Cite

ORDÓÑEZ GÓMEZ, Freddy. On the centenary of “General theory of law and marxism” by the jurist Evgeni Pashukanis, from Colombia. InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais [InSURgence: rights and social movements journal], Brasília, v. 10, n. 2, p. 763–767, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/revistainsurgncia.v10i2.54526. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/insurgencia/article/view/54526. Acesso em: 11 oct. 2024.