The revolution of Pashukanis against the juridical form




Legal-form, Legal fetishism, Juridical State, Meta-legal State, Extinction of law


In commemoration of the centennial of the publication in 1924 of the seminal work of Eugeni Pashukanis, The General Theory of Law and Marxism, the author of this article proposes, first of all, to pay tribute to who has been, undoubtedly, the main Marxist theorist and philosopher of Law and present the revolution, both theoretical and practical, that he led against the juridical form in Soviet Russia between 1924 and 1936. Secondly, the article seeks to address not only the paradigmatic revolution that said work represented for Marxism in theoretical terms but also the subsequent further development of his ideas based on the concrete historical experience. Based on the recognition he received for the significant contribution that his work represented, Pashukanis led in those years what was known as the “School of the Law of the Exchange of Commodities” (also known as the “School of the Commodity-Form Theory of Law”), which became the most influential promoter of a cultural revolution in relation to Law. Said School distinguished itself in practice, above all, for its militant commitment to the Marxist thesis of the extinction of law, which marked its critical contributions to the development of legality under the New Economic Plan (NEP) and its insistence in the transitory nature of the use of the legal form during that period, compelled by the necessity imposed by the immediate circumstances that the revolution faced. This explains, to a large extent, the relevance of Pashukanian thought in times such as the present characterized by a crisis of the legal form as an expression of the crisis of its systemic matrix: the capitalist political economy. The article concludes with what was the tragic fate of Pashukanis and said School of the Commodity-Form Theory of Law in the face of the new trends in favor of the juridification of the Soviet State promoted by Stalin.

Author Biography

Carlos Rivera-Lugo, Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico

Doctor en Derecho por la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad del País Vasco (España). Posee, además, una Maestría en Derecho (LL.M.) de la Universidad de Columbia, Nueva York; un Certificado de Estudios de Posgrado en Ciencia Política de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Santiago de Chile; así como un Doctorado en Jurisprudencia (Juris Doctor) y un Bachillerato en Artes (B.A.) Magna Cum Laude en Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, en Río Piedras. Fue Decano-fundador y Catedrático de Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos, en Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (1993-2013), como también Decano y Catedrático Asociado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, en Ponce (1989-1992) y director (1987-89) y profesor (1984-1992) de su Centro de Estudios Jurídicos Avanzados, en San Juan. Es Profesor del Programa de Maestría en Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, en México. Es miembro del Grupo de Trabajo Pensamiento jurídico crítico y conflictos sociopolíticos del Consejo Latinoamericano de las Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), Buenos Aires, y Editor de su Boletín Crítica jurídica y política en Nuestra América. Entre otras publicaciones, Rivera Lugo es autor de La rebelión de Edipo y otras insurgencias jurídicas (San Juan: Ediciones Callejón, 2004), obra que le ganó un reconocimiento especial del Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico. Ha publicado también ¡Ni una vida más para el Derecho! Reflexiones sobre la crisis actual de la forma-jurídica (Aguascalientes/San Luis de Potosí: CENEJUS/UASLP, 2014); y es co-autor, con el reconocido jurista argentino-mexicano Óscar Correas Vázquez, de El comunismo jurídico (México: CEIICH-UNAM, 2013). Asímismo ha publicado, en portugués, Crítica à economia política do direito(São Paulo: Editora Ideias & Letras, 2019), y Estado, direito e revolução (São Paulo: LavraPalavra, 2022).


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How to Cite

RIVERA-LUGO, Carlos. The revolution of Pashukanis against the juridical form. InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais [InSURgence: rights and social movements journal], Brasília, v. 10, n. 2, p. 177–204 / 205, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/revistainsurgncia.v10i2.54342. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 oct. 2024.