With whom? next to whom? against what? convergences, differences, divergences, oppositions (a contribution to the circuits of writings and dialogue around the “100 years of Paulo Freire”)





Paulo Freire, pedagogy of the oppressed, transformative vocation pedagogies


What matters in this brief writing are the convergences, differences, divergences and oppositions in and between vocations of education today. This will be the moment to remember that Paulo Freire wrote Pedagogy of the Oppressed as an assertively “against” book. Finally, it is not just a matter of seeking to improve what exists within the cultural field of education. It is about seeking, in and between disputed territories, the place of a new hegemony. And, in its search for the “unknown viable”, the search for its possible horizon. It is a question of proposing other counter-vocations; establish and affirm other pedagogies; occupy and preserve freed territories for an emancipatory education through other schools and other different instances of teaching-and-learning.


ARROYO, Miguel. Verbete: Pedagogia do Oprimido. Em: Dicionário da Educação do Campo.

CALDART, Roseli et alli (organizadores), 2012, Editora Expressão Popular, São Paulo

FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia do Oprimido – o manuscrito, 2018, Editora e Livraria do Instituto Paulo Freire, UNINOVE, São Paulo

PRADA, Diana Maria Romero (editora). La Educación Propia - vivencias y reflexiones,Sistematización del proceso de educación propia en el Territorio Indígena del Departamento de Caldas 2017, Editora Planeta Paz, Bogotá

TOLSTOI, Liev. Liev Tolstoi – os últimos dias, 2011, Penguin Books/Companhia das Letras, São Paulo

TORRES, Alfonso Carrillo. La Educación Popular – trayectória y actualidad, 2007, Editorial El Buho, Bogotá

Vários autores. Revista da ADUSP - Associação dos Docentes da USP. nov. 2019, n. 63



How to Cite

RODRIGUES BRANDÃO, Carlos. With whom? next to whom? against what? convergences, differences, divergences, oppositions (a contribution to the circuits of writings and dialogue around the “100 years of Paulo Freire”). InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais [InSURgence: rights and social movements journal], Brasília, v. 8, n. 1, p. 41–54, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/revistainsurgncia.v8i1.41772. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/insurgencia/article/view/41772. Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.