Publication of the Dossier “Law and racial relations”


It is with great satisfaction that the InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais makes public the Dossier “Law and racial relations”, organized by Ciro de Souza Brito, Emília Joana Viana de Oliveira, Inara Flora Cipriano Firmino, and Rodrigo Portela Gomes. The dossier presents important theoretical, artistic and militant contributions having as a premise the need for blackening of theoretical formulations in the Brazilian academy, as well as a confrontation with epistemicide in critical formulations on racial relations in Brazil, possibilities of reunion with references in the action of black, quilombola and indigenous movements.

The publication of the edition takes place on the date when Lélia Gonzalez, one of the intellectuals and militants who inspire the dossier, would complete 89 years of life. The issue, referring to the semester of January to June 2024, can be consulted on the website of the InSURgency Journal, and is also available in full in single file. We are grateful for the contribution of all those who made the dossier possible, especially to the comrades of IPDMS and collaborators who join in the militant construction of an inSURgent journal and critical thinking about practices and the law and racial relations.

In addition to the articles that make up the dossier, the edition also includes interviews with Maria Leusa Mundukuru, an indigenous leadership of the Mundukuru people in the state of Pará; and with Deise Benedito, intellectual and black militant; but also with entries, poetic expressions, reviews and some historical documents, texts on the theme of rights and social movements.

We invite everyone to read and debate!

Insurgent greetings,

Editorial team and organizing committee of the dossier,

2024, January.