Publication of the Dossier "Latin American Critical Legal Thought: reflections on the State, power and popular struggles”


It is with great satisfaction that the InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais makes public the Dossier "Latin American Critical Legal Thought: reflections on the State, power and popular struggles”. With the organization of E. Emiliano Maldonado Bravo, José Jaime Freitas Macedo, Leonardo Evaristo Teixeira and Tchenna Fernandes Maso, the dossier presents important theoretical, artistic and militant contributions on the critical legal thinking of Latin America, in defense of traditional peoples, peasants, nature, popular struggles and social movements, in addition to discussions from the epistemologies of the south, on Marxism, race, gender and class.

The edition, for the semester of January to June 2023, can be consulted on < > page and is also available in full, on file. We are grateful for the contribution of all those who made the dossier possible, especially to the comrades and comrades of IPDMS and collaborators who join in the militant construction of an insurgent magazine and a critical legal thinking from the south.

In addition to the articles that make up the dossier, the edition also includes interviews with UACM/Mexico profesor Mylai Burgos Matamoros and PT militant Julian Rodrigues, but also with entries, poetic expressions, reviews and some historical documents, texts on the theme of rights and social movements.

We invite everyone to read and debate!

Insurgent greetings,

Editorial team and organizing committee of the dossier,

2023, January.