Mathematical Concepts as Natural Kinds



Parole chiave:

natural kinds, mathematical definitions, essence, structure


This paper presents an approach to mathematical terms similar to the approach developed by Kripke in order to deal with natural kind terms; in fact, I argue that mathematical terms are natural kind terms in the sense of Kripke. Thus, I suggest that, from a semantic perspective, such terms should be seen as primarily referring terms, and, from a metaphysical perspective, that good definitions of such terms should embody structural information about the exemplars from the kind in question.


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Biografia autore

Daniel Arvage Nagase, Universidade de São Paulo

Mestre, e doutorando em filosofia pela USP. Tem experiência na área de Filosofia, com ênfase em Lógica, Metafísica e Filosofia da Matemática, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: filosofia da lógica, logicalidade, teoria de Galois abstrata, mereologia, filosofia da essência, grounding e neo-abstracionismo matemático.




Come citare

NAGASE, Daniel Arvage. Mathematical Concepts as Natural Kinds. Revista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 07–13, 2018. DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v6i2.19014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.