Diagrammatic tests against manufacturing


  • Felipe Drago




project, construction site, manufacturing, diagram, policy


This article seeks to contribute to the debate on the relationship between project, construction site and organizational policy based on the work of Sérgio Ferro. Based on an aesthetic of diagrams, it aims to explore issues of architectural design as experiences riddled with external forces in the making of architecture. Following Sérgio’s work, the theme revolves around the elimination (or reduction of the organizational importance) of command and exploitation in production in general and, in particular, in the construction site. It is based on the premise of a high degree of overdetermination of work on the construction site over design, and therefore dedicates itself to an analysis that prioritizes the direct agency between construction site and design. It also evokes Deleuzian thought, which helps to estrange segmentarities (fixed functions) in order to provoke shifts in know-how as organizational fixity. Such movements are expressed in diagrams, whose function is to map the affections involved. The main contribution of the text is to make visible a certain rebellious organizational and constructive sensibility. As a result of the study, it is pointed out that the success of this task can be measured mainly by the power of the manual worker to decide concretely on the destination of the production in which he is involved, among other factors.


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Author Biography

Felipe Drago

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008), with a Master's in Urban and Regional Planning (2011) and a PhD from the same program (2020). Currently researching topics related to the political-productive agencies of the production of built space, particularly transformations on the construction site and their implications for design and collective organization.


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How to Cite

Drago, F. (2024). Diagrammatic tests against manufacturing. Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 14(2), 49–69. https://doi.org/10.18830/issn2238-362X.v14.n2.2024.04