Bocas que gritan

Un recorrido por la imagen femenina desde el Atlas Mnemosyne de Aby Warburg


  • María de los Milagros Kruk



Warburg, Pathosformel, female image, gesture


The representation of women throughout the history of art and images has been the representation of her body. But that body often lacked a head, or that head, as an identity space, lacked relevance (Serrano de Haro, 2007). Many other times that head worked as a decorative element, but many other times, as a monstrous display. Art in male hands and gazes made the representation of women the story of women's own inability to represent themselves. It is within the framework of this history of female images where we propose to think about images, taking up some notions of Aby Warburg, mainly in relation to the expressive value of the gesture as Pathosformel. To do this, we will focus on his Atlas Mnemosyne, where we find a study on the pathetic gestures of the "angry woman" or destroyer. From there, we want to venture a possible political reading of the female image. Our objective is to go through some images to observe how the gestures of women are constructed.



DIDI-HUBERMAN, G. (2018). La imagen superviviente. Madrid: Abada.
DIDI-HUBERMAN, (2017). Prefacio. En, Michaud, P-A. (2017). Aby Warburg y la imagen en movimiento. Buenos aires: Libros UNA.
MICHAUD, P-A. (2017). Aby Warburg y la imagen en movimiento. Buenos aires: Libros UNA.
SERRANO DE HARO, A. (2007). Imágenes de lo femenino en el arte: atisbos y atavismos, en Polis (17). URL : http://
WARBURG, A. (2010). Prefacio. En Warburg, A., Atlas Mnemosyne. Madrid: Akal.



How to Cite

KRUK , María de los Milagros. Bocas que gritan: Un recorrido por la imagen femenina desde el Atlas Mnemosyne de Aby Warburg. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 76–87, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/dasquestoes.v8i1.31091. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 mar. 2025.