the demons of nick land

an introductory speculation on acceleration and hyperstition


  • José Geraldo S. Júnior UFPR/Graduação
  • Rodrigo Z. Mickus UFPR/Graduação



Aceleracionismo, Nick Land, Hiperstição


The article presents a brief genealogy of accelerationism to focus on the trajectory of the philosopher Nick Land and defends the hypothesis that the thinker operates a philosophical, technological, economic and political program that, through hyperstitional feedback from the spaces of development and discussion of intelligence artificial, aims, in the limit, the annihilation of humanity and the end of the world conceived from this perspective. Fueled, or even tormented, incessantly by a vertiginous semiotic (re)production of the past and by the speculation of possible future productions, part of humanity engages in the present in the technological desire for something unknown - or, in Landian vocabulary, the technocapital singularity - starting to create, as if it were for their freedom, as conditions of possibility for their obsolescence, slavery and even extinction.


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How to Cite

S. JÚNIOR, José Geraldo; Z. MICKUS, Rodrigo. the demons of nick land: an introductory speculation on acceleration and hyperstition. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, 2021. DOI: 10.26512/dasquestoes.v12i1.34909. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 dec. 2024.